Yelvertoft Primary School

Welcome back to the Spring term - don't forget to join us at our Paddington Tea's Thursday at 2.30pm

Head Teacher's Welcome

A very warm welcome to Yelvertoft Primary School’s website.

At Yelvertoft Primary School our whole school team are committed to providing the very best learning environment and opportunities for our children.  We are all very proud to be part of this school. We see everyone as a learner and our aim is for all staff and children to grow and improve within a safe, secure and happy environment.

We are a traditional village school with children attending from Yelvertoft, Lilbourne, Clay Coton, Elkington and Stanford.  A number of children also join us from the surrounding area.  We value and respect all the members of our school community and very much see ourselves as part of the wider community.

Whilst providing our children with a broad, balanced and high quality curriculum we also focus strongly on nurturing the children to be confident, healthy and happy individuals.  Above all we want the children to enjoy coming to school, to be excited about learning and feel safe and happy coming to Yelvertoft Primary School.

You are very welcome to come and visit our school and experience for yourself the atmosphere and culture that we believe makes our school a very special place to be.

Best wishes

Mel Servent

Audio version of Headteacher Message

Latest Academic Year 2023-2024 Events

Shepherd's Delight03Jul2024

3:25 pm - 4:30 pm @ In school hall

Paddington Tea04Jul2024

2:30 pm - 3:15 pm @ In school hall

Please come and join us for a cup of tea and a biscuit!

Hotshots Basketball Club04Jul2024

5:00 pm - 5:45 pm @ In school hall

Pacesetters morning club for KS1 pupils05Jul2024

8:00 am - 8:45 am @ In school hall

If you would like to book your child into this club please contact the school office

Reserve Sports Day05Jul2024

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Calendars page(s): Academic Year 2023-2024 >>


New Reception 2024

If your child is due to start school in September 2024 and you would like to come and have a look around our school please do contact the school office. 


You are also very welcome to click the links below for further information and to watch our Virtual School Tour.

Introducing Yelvertoft Primary School

Welcome to Yelvertoft

Welcome to our first Virtual School Tour November 2020

A message from all of us to all of you

Take care of each other and be kind to everyone