Yelvertoft Primary School

Welcome back to the new school year. Remember to bring your warm coats to school.

Admissions and Attendance


Yelvertoft Primary  School follows the defined process that is set by the West Northants Council. 

. Please note the following important points:

  • You must apply to the county council for your child's school place. 
  • Parents can now apply for a place at Yelvertoft Primary school for September 2025 online via WNC websitePrimary & Secondary school admissions in WNC 
  • Transferring to new school mid year or out of normal transition times.  See WNC website for details. 
  • The school presently has an admission number of 20 pupils per year group.
  • We hope to offer a place to all families who choose Yelvertoft Primary School, however, parents should be aware that in the event of the school being oversubscribed, the places will be offered in accordance with the Local Authority's regulations. Please see our policy on the policy area of our website. Further information, including local authority contact details, are contained within our school prospectus.



Attendance at Yelvertoft School has generally been good.

We are aware that some children starting school in September are not Compulsory School Age until the following summer term.  We identify this when we monitor our attendance figures.

We monitor our attendance closely, this includes authorised and un-authorised absence.  We do not authorise any holidays in term time and we closely monitor pupils who fall below 95% attendance.

We will then send letters home to parents if any pupils attendance drops below 90%.

We circulate guidance to parents annually to remind them of the importance of their child being in school every day that is possible. 

Every Lesson Counts

 Attendance advice for parents from West Northants Council

Attendance Letter to Parents October 2024